
It has been one of the greatest honors and joys of my life to have the opportunity to start SoloHope. When I was 16, I went on my first mission trip to Honduras. It was on that trip I felt like I truly came alive. My heart found purpose among the Honduran people. So needless to say, I kept going back. 

Over the years, I met and became friends with women desperate to provide for their families but not having the means to do so. Hundreds of thousands of dollars had been poured into the area through sponsorships and various other programs but the poverty was much still the same. It was then that I began to realize the need not for more support but for jobs.

It took time but eventually I had an idea for bracelets out of pine straw and thread. I met with Dilcia (the first SoloHope artisan) in April of 2012 and told her my idea. I asked her did she think it was possible. She said yes. Soon she sent me samples and before we knew it, we had our very first SoloHope product! I launched SoloHope December 2012 at an event with 80 bracelets made by Dilcia and her friend, Maribel.

At the time I was working in retail sales. As 2013 progressed, I knew I was going to have to take a risk if I really wanted SoloHope to grow. So that's what I did. I quit my comfy job with the great salary and benefits in July 2013 to follow a dream of renewing hope for women who had lost hope. I moved to Honduras for the next 4 months and while there worked with our then 3 artisans to create a product line which included not only bracelets but necklaces and ornaments and then so after a small handbag.

As I sit here writing about the process and progress of SoloHope, I'm truly humbled that God would allow me this opportunity. It's not been easy at times. Truthfully it's probably been one of the hardest things I've done in my life but it's worth it.  I get to see smiles and laughs in our artisans that before I didn't get to see too often. I get to see their pride in new cookware or a new kitchen wall. I see confidence as they send their little ones to school. I see hope and dreams resurfacing. And that, my friends, is worth all the stress, heartache, tight budgets, and tears. I am a blessed woman.

Dream BIG,


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