Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Canoa Bag

We were all laughing and having a fun time but the bus was soon to leave so we were preparing to say our good-byes and bring an end to our 2013 SoloHope Christmas Party at Dilcia's house. Lots of yummy food had been eaten. Even flan for dessert! Secret friends had been revealed and gifts opened. It had been a fun day and it seemed all but the hugs good-bye had been done.


Dilcia, our first SoloHope artisan, approached me and handed me a lovely Christmas gift. I stared in absolute shock as I realized what I was holding. It was a beautiful canoe shaped bag (thus the name "canoa" Spanish for canoe) designed by Dilcia herself. Complete with a braided strap and zipper, the bag I was holding was stunning and a true work of art.

I looked up at Dilcia standing there with her mama close by awaiting my reaction. And a reaction I had!

"Que bonito!" // How pretty!


"This is amazing!"

"Me gusta mucha!" // I love it so much!

I could tell Dilcia was pleased by my reaction. And looking at her mom, I could tell how proud she was of her daughter. It doesn't matter how old we get, mothers are always proud of their daughters regardless of culture or country.

Right then and there, I knew what our next product would be and it wasn't long before Dilcia was teaching our other SoloHope artisans the design!

The Canoa Bag represents more than a fun and unique bag or a new SoloHope product. It's about hope. Poverty steals. It steals dreams. It steals peace. Joy. Creativity. Hope.

Hope renewed.

It's a process. It doesn't happen overnight. But I'm seeing glimpses. Dilcia designed this bag from her own creative mind. She's dreaming. Thinking outside of the box. And creating a product that has peaked quite the interest. I'm so proud of Dilcia. And Maribel. And Karina. They are beautiful talented young women and I am so honored and thankful that I have the opportunity to work with them!

Quick Facts about the Canoa Bag...

1) "Canoa" is Spanish for canoe.
2) In two days, the ladies can make 3 bags each. That's about 6-7 hours in each bag!
3) Yes, it made of pine straw!
4) The Canoa Bag is featured in 4 colors: Fuschia, Violet, Navy, and Sunflower.
5) This is the first SoloHope product designed totally and completely by one of our artisans.

Order the Canoa Bag at

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